Treatment of varicose veins in Puerto Vallarta
Before we talk about the treatment of varicose veins in Puerto Vallarta, let’s do a little introduction by going over what they are, the complications of having varicose veins, and the symptoms we can find if we have them.
What are varicose veins?
They are abnormal dilations of the veins, caused by a malfunction of the walls and valves of the same causing a poor circulation of blood, usually happens in the legs. They are related to family inheritance, obesity, pregnancy, use of hormones, and people who spend a lot of time standing or sitting.

What complications can varicose veins cause?
Of course the aesthetic appearance is the most notable damage of varicose veins, however it can cause different complications such as thrombosis, phlebitis, or ulcerations very painful and difficult to treat.

How do I know if I have varicose veins?
In advanced stages it is easy to notice varicose veins as they appear dilated and tortuous, with a dark green coloration. In early stages, symptoms such as pain, cramping, heaviness, leg swelling, fatigue, and intolerance to standing are manifest.

What treatment options exist for varicose veins?
Small varicose veins and telangiectasias (small glasses in the form of cobwebs) can be treated by sclerotherapy, which consists of small injections of sclerosing substances inside the veins, which causes the closure of the vessel and its Absorption by the body. Varicose veins of greater size can be treated by conventional surgery, endovenous laser, and pressotherapy. Currently the treatment of this type of problem is less painful for the patients and more economically accessible, having a very fast recovery.

Where can I find the best treatment of varicose veins in Puerto Vallarta?
If you want a complete evaluation in addition to proper treatment you can contact Dr. Hector Octavio Escoto Picazo, to whom we appreciate his collaboration in the realization of this article.

Then you will find your contact details:
Vallarta Medical Center Hospital
second floor
Av. Los tules 136 Col. Diaz Ordaz Puerto Vallarta, Jal.
Office Phone 3221359655
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